Hello and welcome.
I completed my undergraduate studies in biology and applied mathematics at Emory University in December 2015. I continued in the mathematics graduate program at Emory shortly thereafter.
I have worked on problems in statistical inference and estimation, inverse problems, computational biology and used to perform experiments in molecular biology too. Here are some examples :
- inferring the degree of epistasis present in fitness landscapes from deep mutation scanning data
- comparing models of fitness landscapes to experimental data using TDA
- the unseen species problem and its generalization
- blind source separation with binary constraints
I can be best reached by email.
A Bayesian framework for molecular strain identification from mixed diagnostic samples
Lauri Mustonen, Xiangxi Gao, Asteroide Santana, Rebecca Mitchell, Ymir Vigfusson, Lars Ruthotto
Inverse Problems 2018
WHIM syndrome caused by a single amino acid substitution in the carboxy-tail of chemokine receptor CXCR4
Qian Liu, Haoqian Chen, Teresa Ojode, Xiangxi Gao, Sandra Anaya-O'Brien, Nicholas A Turner, Jean Ulrick, Rosamma DeCastro, Corin Kelly, Adela R Cardones, Stuart H Gold, Eugene I Hwang, Daniel S Wechsler, Harry L Malech, Philip M Murphy, David H McDermott
Blood 2012

In 2022, I interned at Dyno Therapeutics for half a year and helped resolve n ≥ 2 statistical and computational problems related to high throughput DNA sequencing and library cloning.

In between undergrad and grad school, I was a research assistant in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Emory University and contributed to the Julia package StrainRecon which can solve binary blind source separation problems.
For the summer of 2015, I was part of the Boston University Bioinformatics Research and Interdisciplinary Training Experience program and worked on identifiying unusual microbial interactions associated with Crohn's Disease using random matrix theory and theoretical ecology methods.

For the summer of 2014, I was part of the Wake Forest University Center for Injury Biomechanics research program where I synthesized and measured the uptake of hyaluronic acid based nanoparticles conjugated with the fluorescent dye Cy7.5 in MDA-MB-231 cells.

From 2010 to circa 2012, I worked in the Lab of Molecular Immunology at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ⊆ National Institutes of Health. I cloned mutants of the HIV Nef protein from pNL4-3 into pECFP to study domains of HIV Nef involved in downregulating the CXCR4 chemokine receptor and (re)discovered the presence of endogenous CXCR4 in the K562 cell line.
Professional Development
Attended the 2019 Search for Selection workshop held by the National Institute for Modeling Biological Systems and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Attended the 2018 Ecological and Biological Systems workshop held by the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications and the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Presented a stochastic agent based model of the population dynamics of malaria mosquito under a sex ratio distortion system at the 2015 Mathematical Biology workshop held at Duke University.

Presented a poster on Crohn's Disease classifiers using gut microbiome data at the 2015 Southeastern Medical Scientist Symposium held at Vanderbilt University.
From 2020 to 2021, I taught two semesters of undergraduate single variable Calculus to a cohort of 20+ students virtually.
From 2019 to 2020, I was the teaching assistant for three semesters of undergraduate numerical analysis (30-50+ students per cohort).
I enjoyed teaching extraccuricular math to middle and high school aged students as part of Emory Math Circle from 2018 to 2019.
I have been involved in basketball data consulting on and off since 2019. In the past, I have provided data analysis and video scouting for FIBA 3x3 teams, presented a basketball analytics coaching workshop for the Singapore basketball federation and was invited to present work on applying ML to spatiotemporal tracking data at the 2019 NBA Hackathon.